3 Things I've learnt as a self-published author & photographer!

In my 31 years of life thus far, I have learnt many things as a photographer, a business woman, a traveler and a serial horse girl. Creating Small Pleasures and having a coffee table book is something that I admire and am proud of. But, the process of navigating new terrain means there are also many more things to learn. So I wanted to share with you all 3 things I’ve learnt so far along the way.

  1. Going down the path of self-publishing was like plunging myself off the end of a diving board and into deep waters. My experience as a photographer of over 7 years knew I could create a coffee table book but getting from A-B internally felt a little daunting. By not having a publisher, I was backing myself and my project 150%, I had to believe in what I was creating and to stay true to myself and my dream. What I learnt? That it takes a whole new level of problem solving, perseverance and grit, I didn’t know but now do know, that I absolutely have. I think there’s something really empowering about that.

  2. Did you know that Coca Cola only sold 25 bottles in their first year? Isn’t that crazy! What I’ve learnt is that success doesn’t happen overnight. That you have to show up consistently everyday and keep trying and reapplying. I found that celebrating every win that comes along, big or small, truly important and integral for staying focused on the long game.

  3. As much as we all try to plan ahead for most things in life - sometimes you just can’t and life does its own thing. Take for Instance, in my first year of launching Small Pleasures I was getting ready for the busiest time of year, Christmas. For us product based businesses, it’s a super important calendar period for business. I had sold out of my first batch of books and had to place a re-order for Christmas with a guarantee that stock would arrive in time. Well… they did arrive right on time but a port strike out of nowhere meant that I wasn’t getting my hands on one of those new copies of Small Pleasures until the new year. I was devastated to say the least. I learnt that you have to be ready for the unexpected and you have to be able to roll with whatever comes and do your best with what life throws at you. I view it as character building.

  4. Ok ok, I know I said only 3 but I just wanted to share that in creating something I have loved and putting it out into the sphere, I have had knock-backs and I have been on the receiving end of no’s and being told face to face my product isn’t of interest. BUT! Rather than fixating on these moments, I have learnt to not take these instances personally and to focus on the customers that do invest and cherish my coffee table book, just as much as I do!

That’s all from me for now! Thanks for dropping by and for being apart of my special SP community.

- Grace Elizabeth x

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